life of a cuddlebit

my random ramblings

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gentle cure

I want to have better skin.  But I have this fear that my skin will breakout (that usually happens) when I use a new product.

It may be a new soap, shampoo, conditioner, facial wash. when my skin doesn’t like it, hello zits.  Due to this extremely embarrassing skin situation I am in, I am wary of anything that touches my face. I don’t use hair conditioner (let the hair be dry as long as my skin is clear, people will not notice!). I don’t use blush and foundation, I only do my eyes and lips (If I really need to use makeup that day). Normally, I leave my face bare, and use only sunblock and hypoallergenic  baby powder.

Then I still have to contend with the unsightly brown spots (from healed acne), some red patches (still acne, just newly healed), my forever there freckles, some blackheads (on the nose), and pimples (small bumps). Plus the oily skin. At times I think why my genes are conspiring against me. 

A poster I saw at the Beauty bar announced that Cure Natural Aqua Gel (that was so popular in Japan) is now available here in Manila. I was like, what is it? I was only mild curious. My skin is not exactly up for experimentation as I am having a break-out(that time). But with the prodding of Kei, I went inside and reached for a tester.

That moment was exactly two months ago.

Cure Exfoliating Gel

Cure Exfoliating Gel

Cure Natural Aqua Gel – a skincare with activated hydrogen water made for removal of dead skin cells. Cure Natural Aqua Gel is a gentle and natural exfoliating gel that removes dead skin effectively without causing undue stress to the skin. Unlike chemical peels which use strong acid, Cure is very gentle on the skin and only removes the unwanted dead skin. It does not dry or thin your skin which cause your skin to be vulnerable to sunlight.

Hmm… not bad. I am now curious. with the permission and assistance of a sales lady, I tried a dollop of cure on my hands. It feels cold and a few seconds later, I have small white balls of dead skin cells in my hands and it doesn’t hurt at all! My skin felt really soft! I then asked a lot of questions to the sales lady. like, is this organic? safe for sensitive skin? what is this made of? do many people buy?

So in answer, the sales lady showed me the ingredients list.


Ingredients: 90% revitalized hydrogen water and natural plant extracts of aloe vera, gingko and rosemary. No preservatives, fragrance, artificial coloring and alcohol.

And assured me that a lot of people brought the product and only two are left for sale.  Woah! I wasted no time in grabbing one bottle and heading to the cashier.


Do they live up to the hype?

I was so glad to have purchased this! I have been using this twice a week, for two months now, and I can say my skin condition really improved. my brown spots have lightened, breakouts have been in control (not really gone but less embarrassing fewer/smaller than before, hooray!).  Cure helps in brightening and softening the skin, by removing the dead skin cells and allowing the fast absorption of serums, masks, acne creams etc. The red spots however are stubborn. they still stay, but it is very very slowly lightening.

The packaging is also utilitarian as it is made of transparent plastic (no fear of dropping the bottle, can see how much product left), each bottle comes with a plastic lock (preventing spillage).


How to use?

  • Wash your face with cleanser and dry well.
  • Pump a small amount of Cure to be applied on the desired area. Leave it on skin for a few seconds to react with the dead skin cells.
  • Gentle massage in a circular motion for 30 sec.-1 min. The gel will turn into milky liquid and white particles of dead skin cells can be seen as they are lift off the skin.
  • Rinse well with water. Your skin  is now ready for moisturizing.


*Price? I got this for Php1500  (250ml bottle) at Beauty Bar

*All my reviews, opinions, and other stuff expressed here are my own and based on my own experience with the product. This is not a sponsored post, I paid for this (from) my own pocket.