life of a cuddlebit

my random ramblings

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a case of the Mondays every day of the week

Getting me up from the bed each morning is a struggle now. I’d rather stay under the covers.

I’m breaking out a lot these days, mostly on my forehead. The biggest is right between my eyerows, making me look like a three eyed alien; It looks hideous! Some of my friends even saw me with the huge ass zits but whatever; I shall stick to my no popping rule. #uglynoworuglyforever

Having the rain falling everyday makes me extremely sluggish. Then again nobody will do my housework for me so, I just went ahead and did indoor gardening (I tried to save what is left of my ice plant) and laundry duties-even if it means that all the wet clothes will be drying indoors making my living area look like it’s on a perpetual garage sale.

A friend of mine also took pity on my potted garden and sent me some golden pothos cuttings and small fittonias to accompany what was left of my ice plant. Much thanks and hopefully I can keep these plants alive.

stay with me

stay with me – the remnants of my Iceplant (left), Fittonia (middle), Golden Pothos (right)

However this weather makes me have the perfect excuse to drink coffee all day long! So that works for me.

Since I am forced to stay home, the shopaholic in me found a new avenue to window shop. I am now scrolling through Instagram like going on a window shopping stroll. I also try catching them all Pokemons at home while watching some random stuff from YouTube.

How was your week? Keep dry and safe!