life of a cuddlebit

my random ramblings

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purpose of my #ootd

I love my clothes. Clothes are my armor.

Clothes are powerful. Because clothes can either attract or repel people.

People can take one look at your clothes and sort of figure out your personality, status, age…etc.

photo from

photo from

I wear a t-shirt, pants and rubber shoes to work daily. I purposely dress like shit that… That means no fancy stuff: no accessories, a plain watch, a rather plain rubber shoe. I even wear my nerd glasses. I wear my bag as a frontpack. (wearing the backpack to the front, and by doing so it will cover your stomach and you look like a pregnant human) Not appealing or fashionable at all.

But it sort of works. The plain-ness repel attention from muggers (when you are living and commuting) in Manila, there are a lot of them everywhere, they take a good look at everyone on the street or public jeepney and figure out who will be their next prey. On muggers eyes: well dressed=Money-ed.

My clothes act as my camouflage. To blend in the crowd. Which is hard to do since I look a bit foreign with my yellow skin and tiny eyes.  I have to look as plain as possible. My workplace is male dominated. So, it is really better to dress like the males.

On weekends however, I go all out. I dress nicely. Drop my glasses and trade them for contact lenses.

I make sure my dresses go with the bag, shoes and accessories. Make sure I look good before I leave the house. And that I look feminine. after 5 days of purposely dressing like a slob, on weekends I dress to stand out.



At times, I almost feel like I am living two separate lives.

In something as simple as a change of clothes.

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the closet problem

My sister and I have the a problem. The closet problem.

Its not going to be resolved anytime soon. We wear almost the same sizes, we share clothes and accessories. Pretty neat really.

We love buying clothes, the more the better! We also have a steady supply of stuff from our loving/doting aunts. Fab.

In shopping bags, plastic bags, boxes we love them. As each weekend passes the clothes accumulate. We are happy with it.

messy closet

We are actually pleased with our loot. And bond over shopping for more. I believe we love to hoard.

Managed to fill the closets to their maximum capacity. We resulted to keeping them in their shopping bags and hanging them on our rack, till we spilled over to keeping a mini mountain of bags full of clothes in the corner of our living room. Along the way managed to fill in a huge plastic box with bags and more clothes.

Also experienced losing some of our clothes that we never worn before. Proceeded to rummage the closet and the missing item is still lost. Sad. But, all is well.

Since we are petite we easily fit in tweens/teens/women’s wear/s that added to our growing pile. Our closet is really bursting at the seams. 

Much to the dismay of my Mum. And recently Dad. 

They tell us that we need not buy more clothes because we don’t really use them save for weekends. I am usually in a plain cheap cotton shirts and denim pants on work days… and my sister is in uniforms on school days.

They now ordered us to do a closet “purge”.

We absolutely hate it. We love our messy closet.

Even if we always find ourselves standing in front of our closet/s and declaring “I have nothing to wear”. 


Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing. -Alexander Wang


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choosing joy

I am currently stuck in a lot of work. That I neglect my blog, fail to see my friends and just hit the sack when I get home. I barely have time for myself.

Skipped going to the dentist to get my braces adjusted, even forgot to see my dermatologist!

Every night, I go check Facebook just to be in the know about what is happening in my circle of friends and somehow I cannot relate. Its like I’m trapped in an alternate world where all I see is other people’s blessings. I see their happy faces, travel pictures, family outings, new bags, nice clothes, shiny cars and the latest dose of gossip (who is with whom, who is seen in where…etc.).  I then think about how badly I want a vacation, daydream about leaving and travelling… that always ends with I wish I have more money. Then I get sad.

But, this time my self pitying was halted by a pop up chat message from an old friend.

It says:  Sorry for disturbing your evening but, can I please ask for help? I will be blunt. I am jobless for more than a year, I can barely keep up with my living expenses I need a job. please help.

Bam! Instant reality check.

While I was busy complaining that I am buried in a pile of work, my friend desperately prays for work.

I was appalled at my behavior and quickly thanked God for the daily blessings I receive.

Then proceeded to look at the net for some leads that could fit my friend. After a while some of my friends found something for the friend in need.


There is a lot to be thankful for.

Thank God for everyday blessings and carry on a positive attitude.