life of a cuddlebit

my random ramblings

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A breather

Halfway done with the initial wave of workload. Thank God.  Have a bit of time right now. Expecting the next wave as soon as the last week of November maybe? Anyway, I am thankful.

photo taken from pinterest

photo taken from pinterest

That brings me to planning my yearly Christmas tradition…planning my list. This is the time I usually send the wishlist to those who are in the list. Yes. I am O.C. like that. I wanted to get the people who matter to me a present they would use/like. So, far I have ideas for a few, for the others, I still need to find stuff they would love.

Speaking of Christmas presents… Mason Jars are apparently “it thing” right now. First saw them popping out on Pinterest then a visit to a cute cupcake bakery got me looking for those mason jars in the Philippines. (I got mine shipped, from a college friend.)

This could be a really cute Christmas gift paired with some marshmallows and hot chocolate (this will be my staple holiday gift for 2014)!

These are our mason jars! *brought our mugs to Starbucks to get better mug photos.

These are our mason jars/mugs! *brought our mugs to Starbucks to get better mug photos.

So once I have finished dealing with my nefarious workload… it is off to Christmas shopping! Think happy thoughts!